I am so bloomin fed up its beyond a joke.
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel so despondent and irritated that I just want to scream the house down.
And scream and scream and scream.
...haki nimechoka..is about how tired; exhausted and fed up I feel.
One of my pals who is a shop assistant said to me 'kazi ya nyumbani hai'ishi' - inakungojea tu..' (apologies for my poor Swahili)..
And this is so so true..
I am sick and flipping tired of constantly cooking; cleaning; ironing; hoovering etc and having no respite. Sometimes I have no chance to even sit down and think in peace..even to sleep in peace..
The frustration is heightened though by the fact that this is not at all the life that i'd envisioned for myself..no sirree...nor for my Jr either.
I hate the fact that I'm so irritable and snapping at him because of my own issues. I feel like there are demands on me from all flippin corners - work and home - but i have forgotten me..cos me practially exists no more..at work you're at the mercy of The Big Boss and what he/she says;goes....then you head straight home - and you're at the mercy of the lil Boss with Mama i want this; Mama give me that; Mama take me here; Mama this hurts - I wont even touch the domez with the Mr Boss at digzz..but lets just say that by the time night falls and you've been stretched in all directions - you have no time or energy for anything or anyone including yourself. I think I'm on meltdown - and dont like it one bit...
I just need to head home. Fasta-fasta..
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel so despondent and irritated that I just want to scream the house down.
And scream and scream and scream.
...haki nimechoka..is about how tired; exhausted and fed up I feel.
One of my pals who is a shop assistant said to me 'kazi ya nyumbani hai'ishi' - inakungojea tu..' (apologies for my poor Swahili)..
And this is so so true..
I am sick and flipping tired of constantly cooking; cleaning; ironing; hoovering etc and having no respite. Sometimes I have no chance to even sit down and think in peace..even to sleep in peace..
The frustration is heightened though by the fact that this is not at all the life that i'd envisioned for myself..no sirree...nor for my Jr either.
I hate the fact that I'm so irritable and snapping at him because of my own issues. I feel like there are demands on me from all flippin corners - work and home - but i have forgotten me..cos me practially exists no more..at work you're at the mercy of The Big Boss and what he/she says;goes....then you head straight home - and you're at the mercy of the lil Boss with Mama i want this; Mama give me that; Mama take me here; Mama this hurts - I wont even touch the domez with the Mr Boss at digzz..but lets just say that by the time night falls and you've been stretched in all directions - you have no time or energy for anything or anyone including yourself. I think I'm on meltdown - and dont like it one bit...
I just need to head home. Fasta-fasta..